Glossary - F
- Factor Cost
- Factor Market
- Factor Mobility
- Factors of Production
- Fair Value
- Fairness, Distributional Outcome
- Fairness, Procedural
- Feed-In Tariffs (FiTs)
- Fiber Optics
- Field Trials
- Final Customer (End User)
- Financial Economies of Scale
- Financial Institutions
- Financial Intermediaries
- Financial Leverage
- Financial Statements
- Firm Obligation
- Fixed Costs
- Fixed Input
- Fixed Interest Securities
- Fixed Proportions Production Function
- Fixed Publicly Available Telephone Services
- Fixed-Weight Index
- Flat Rate Service
- Floating Exchange Rates
- Flowgate
- Flowgate Price
- Forecasting
- Foreign Direct Investments
- Form of Regulation
- Formal Complaint Process
- Formula
- Forward Exchange Rate
- Forward Integration
- Forward Market
- Fragile State
- Franchise
- Franchise Service Territory
- Free Entry (Exit)
- Free Ride
- Fuel Charge
- Fuel Cost Adjustments
- Full Capacity
- Full Cost Pricing
- Fully Allocated Cost (FAC)
- Fully Distributed Costs (FDC)
- Futures Market