Glossary - T
- Tacit Collusion
- Takeover
- Taking
- Target Return Policy
- Target Standards
- Targeted Marketing
- Targets
- Tariff
- Tariff Rebalancing
- Tariff Schedule
- Tax Effect on Cash Flow
- Tax Incidence
- Taxation
- Taxes
- Taxes, Income
- Taxes, Windfall
- Technical Economies of Scale
- Technical Efficiency
- Technology Transfer
- Telecommunications
- Telecommunications Network
- Temporary Disconnection
- Tendering
- Tendering Procedures
- Terminal
- Terminating Operator
- Termination and Re-Franchising
- Theory of Contestable Markets
- Third-Number Calls
- Third-Party Billing
- Third-Party Notification
- Time Accounts
- Time Deposits
- Time Lags
- Time-of-Use (TOU) Rates
- Time-of-Use Pricing
- Toll Call
- Toll Free Call
- Tone Dialing
- Total Cost Curve
- Total Costs
- Total Product
- Total Revenue
- Total Revenue Curve
- Touch Tone Service
- Touch Tone Telephone
- Tradable Permit Regulation
- Tradable Permits
- Tradable Union
- Trade-Off
- Trademark
- Training
- Transaction Costs
- Transaction-Oriented Tariff
- Transactions Demand
- Transactions Motive
- Transfer Earnings
- Transfer Payments
- Transfer Pricing
- Transfers
- Transfers of the Franchise
- Transformation Curve
- Transformer
- Transit Network
- Transit of Electricity
- Transit Segment
- Transit Service
- Transition Charge
- Transition Costs
- Transition Period
- Transmission
- Transmission Access
- Transmission Reliability Margin
- Transmission-Dependent Utility
- Transmitting Utility (Transco)
- Transnational Corporation
- Transparency
- Transport
- Transportation, Gas
- Treasury Bills
- Trend
- Trickle Down
- TTY (Text telephone)
- Twisted Pair
- Two-Part Tariff
- Tying Contract
- Type I Error
- Type II Error