Maintaining the Strategy Over Time
Commitment, Continuity and Policy Stability
Commitment and Credibility: safeguarding interests of consumers, taxpayers, and investors (public & private)
- Utilize Legal agreements, performance contracts, ……and mutual commitments
- Recognize cultural differences
- Emphasize predictability
- Monitor Progress
- Appoint capable people to the Regulatory ……Commissions and Corporate Boards of Directors
- Recognize the Benefits and Costs of Flexibility
Objectives and Outcomes: “Implementation Gap”
Policy Deficiencies: the policy adapted may lack elements that come to be seen as crucial to its success, because specific elements of the policy environment are not well understood at the time the policy is developed. Recognizing policy deficiencies will help develop and tailor the policy to address context specific factors and ultimately help achieve policy objectives.
Unanticipated Impacts: the implementation of the policy may have important unanticipated effects, particularly where sectoral policies are poorly coordinated with each other, or a lack of understanding of aspects of the policy environment cause problems in policy design.
Lack of Resources/Capacities: target resources to avoid overly demanding impact assessment (IA) requirements; consultation periods that are too short; poor coordination; governance issues. Regular reviews should be scheduled.
Additional Resources: FAQs
Bourguignon, Francois, Yehuda Elkana, Boris Pleskovic, eds. (2007). Capacity Building in Economics Education and Research (2007). The World Bank, xi-352.
Blindenbacher, Raoul, in collaboration with Bidjan Nashat (2010). The Black Box of Governmental lLearning: The Learning Spiral—A Concept to Organize Learning in Governments. The World Bank