Making Public Sector Reforms Work: Political and Economic Contexts, Incentives, and Strategies
Policy Research Working Paper 6174, Public Sector Governance Unit, The World Bank, 2012.
Bunse, Simone and Verena Fritz.
Addresses two issues: what country contexts are more/press propitious for public sector reforms and what reforms are likely to succeed where? Can more explicitly taking political economy challenges into account help to pursue public sector reforms even in less propitious contexts?
Rebuilding Post-Conflcit Africa: Reconstruction and Reform
World Institute for Development Economics Research, The United Nations University, 1998.
Addison, Tony.
Focuses on one crucial aspect of post-conflict reconstruction: how to ensure that economic reform is compatible with reconstruction.
Tapping the Markets: Opportunities for Domestic Investments in Water and Sanitation for the Poor
International Bank for Reconstruction and Development, The World Bank, 2014.
Sy, Jemima, Robert Warner and Jane Jamieson.
Examines private sector provision of piped water services and on-site sanitation services in rural areas and small towns. For rural piped water, it assesses enterprises in Bangladesh, Benin and Cambodia; for on-site sanitation, it assesses enterprises in Bangladesh, Indonesia, Peru and Tanzania.
Africa’s Power Infrastructure: Investment, Integration, Efficiency
International Bank for Reconstruction and Development, The World Bank, 2011.
Eberhard, Anton, Orvika Rosnes, Maria Shkaratan, and Haakon Vennemo.
Topics covered include: the region’s underdeveloped energy resources, the lag in installed generation capacity, stagnant and inequitable access to electricity services, unreliable electricity supply, the prevalence of backup generators, increasing use of leased emergency power, a power crisis exacerbated by drought, conflict, and high oil prices.
How (un)even was the Distribution of the Impacts on Mali’s Water Privatization across Stakeholders?
The Journal of Development Studies, 2012, 49:4, pp. 483-499.
Estache, Antonio and Emili Grifell-Tatje.
Evaluates quantitatively the welfare effects and their distribution among key stakeholders of Mali’s brief water privatization experience.
Some Theory, Some Ideology, and Lots of Pragmatism in the Cost-Benefit Analysis of PPPs
ECARES Working Paper, Universite libre de Bruxelles and CEPR, 2012.
Estache, Antonio.
Reviews the theoretical debates on the extent to which PPP demands changes in how cost-benefit analysis needs to be conducted for public projects.
Running Water in India’s Cities: A Review of Five Recent Public-Private Partnership Initiatives
The Water and Sanitation Program, The World Bank, 2014.
Topics include timelines and project flow of funds for five case studies from India. They also include service and efficiency parameters and a breakdown of funding services.